Student Interview Series: Abass Oduola
Check out episode four of our Student Interview Series! In this video, Abass Oduola, President of the International Student Organizatio and PhD student in Cell and Molecular Biology.
Check out episode four of our Student Interview Series! In this video, Abass Oduola, President of the International Student Organizatio and PhD student in Cell and Molecular Biology.
In this first episode of our Student Interview Series, hear from Diego Montano, an international graduate student from Bolivia. Diego shares his experiences in choosing the U of A, memories from his first days upon arriving, and advice on working during college in the United States.
Hi, everyone! This is the final installment in my three-part series that talks about my journey as an international student at the University of Arkansas.
…Far too often, grad students tell themselves that their work isn’t good enough to be considered for this or that award, but the reality is that most of the time you are the only one holding yourself up to an impossible standard. Give yourself permission to try and you’ll likely be surprised of the outcome!
I decided to pursue a dream that I had since I was a kid, and that was to study abroad. I knew I wanted to grow as a person, I wanted to learn more about other cultures, I wanted to get the best possible education. Most importantly—I wanted a better future.