Oct 30, 2020 | Faculty & Program Spotlight, Fayetteville/NWA, Graduate Student Ambassador, International Student Ambassador, Useful For Graduate Students
At first, I was not sure of what pursuing a master’s degree at the University of Arkansas was going to be like. I had fears, doubts, and questions that needed answers. I wondered how I was going to cope in a new environment. I used to believe that school was all about academics and nothing more. I was the kind of student who gave about 85% of my time to schoolwork and cared so little about other important aspects of student life which are also necessary to create a balance. But coming to the University of Arkansas, I now have a better understanding.
Oct 30, 2020 | Faculty & Program Spotlight, Fayetteville/NWA, Graduate Student Ambassador, Student Life, Useful For Graduate Students
When I accepted my offer to start a graduate degree program in Psychology at the University of Arkansas, I knew I was in for a big change. I left a small liberal arts institution in Virginia where I knew everyone and everyone knew me and moved 1,000 miles away to a place where I knew absolutely nobody. At first it was really scary, and I was worried I’d be overwhelmed with school and responsibilities while missing home, but after living here for a year, I can look back and say I’m so glad I made this decision!
Sep 28, 2020 | Extracurricular Activities, Fayetteville/NWA, Graduate Student Ambassador, International Student Ambassador, Student Life, Uncategorized
When I decided to leave my home country for my undergraduate degree, I did not think about the changes I was going to face. To my surprise, my first year in a new country was not as hard as I thought it was going to be. I made many friends right away that were from Bolivia and having people around from the Latino culture made my first year in college easier. However, the problem with that is that I did not learn much about the U.S culture since I was still in the safety of my own cultural bubble.
Jul 24, 2020 | Extracurricular Activities, Fayetteville/NWA, Graduate Student Ambassador, International Student Ambassador, Student Life, Uncategorized, Useful For Graduate Students
There are several types of housing options that you will find once you start looking. It’s important to consider what matters most to you when choosing a place to live. Some people might be certain that they want the experience of having a roommate (or several roommates) and living in a townhouse with lots of common area space is the best option for them. Others may know themselves well enough to be sure that they need complete privacy and a home all to themselves so a one-bedroom or studio apartment may be the better option in this case.
Jul 13, 2020 | Extracurricular Activities, Graduate Student Ambassador, Health and Wellness, Student Life, Uncategorized, Useful For Graduate Students
As a freshman, living in a residence hall was one of the best decisions I ever made. I continued to live with my Pomfret Hall roommate along with our other friends that we met in the Pomfret study rooms even when we moved to off-campus housing.
May 12, 2020 | Fayetteville/NWA, Graduate Student Ambassador, Health and Wellness, International Student Ambassador, Student Life, Uncategorized
No matter where you are, you have probably felt the effects of COVID-19. The past few months have been a challenging time, to say the least. However, it is often during the most challenging times that communities show both their strength and capacity for kindness. People around the world are working together to help those who are struggling, and the folks in Northwest Arkansas are no different. Here are some ways our community is supporting those impacted by COVID-19.