By Oluyinka Olusoji
Remember the joy and excitement you had when you found out your application to become a graduate student was successful? You suddenly forget all the toll the process took on you and you can’t wait to share the news with your friends and family and get started!
Being in graduate school means different things to different people. While it is a fun and exciting time in your life, it can also be very challenging. Meeting new people, locating places on campus, getting a good place to stay can be difficult when you’re just starting out. And while you’re trying to settle in, classes begin and assignments quickly start accumulating!
Here are some guidelines for new graduate students on how to stay on track and what to avoid during graduate school:
“Maybe I Can Do That Later…”
We have all been tempted to just ignore an assignment here or there, hoping it won’t impact our final grade too much if we don’t turn it in. However, completing assignments are a crucial part of being a successful student–they’re like building blocks that steadily guide you toward a final project. Sometimes you have two to three assignments which are due same day and getting them all done on time is tough!
Effective time management skills is one characteristic a graduate student should develop early on in order to check everything off your to-do list on time. Avoid getting behind by making lists, keeping a schedule, using a large calendar somewhere you can see it, and making appointments with yourself to study at specific times!
Citation, Citation, Citation
It can be tricky to cite your sources properly, but it’s crucial to learn your referencing style and stick to it! Whether your field uses MLA, APA or IEEE referencing style, remember that they all change and evolve from time to time and you need to keep up! The University of Arkansas has a strong policy against plagiarism and it’s important to know the rules and firmly stick to them in all situations.
Did you know there’s a quick way of finding out whether you’ve cited a source properly? The Chat with a Librarian Service is a useful tool when in doubt!
Have You Registered for Classes Yet?
Depending on your area of study, some classes you might want to take can fill up very quickly–especially seminars where the number of students is very limited. Towards the end of every semester, it is required of every student to register for the classes they intend to take in the next semester. You will get email reminders every now and again, but still: set an alarm, get up early, and grab those spots! Don’t forget to get your advising meeting well before the deadline as it is required before you can register.
Save those Sick Days for When You’re Sick!
It is understandable if you can’t attend class because you are not feeling too well or have an urgent matter to attend to, but you must always alert your course instructor before the class, and this should not be too often. Usually, your instructor will make it clear on the syllabus how many times you’re allowed to be absent from class, but be aware that each instructor treats absences differently!
Being a student is always demanding and being in graduate school is even more demanding! Here is a short list of what to definitely do in graduate school:
- Do the right thing
- Make friends
- Meet people
- Have fun
- Visit new places
- Enjoy your graduate school life.
Make a memorable time of your life as a graduate student!