Coffee Shops and College Students: The Perfect Blend
If you walk in any coffee shop on campus or in the city of Fayetteville, you will most likely find at least one UARK student on a laptop with headphones, textbooks and a drink. Although the library has TONS of places for students to study, there's something...
Online Classes: Pros and Cons from a Current International Student
If you have never taken an online class before, you may hesitate to register for the first time. One of the reasons could be that you think that online classes are more complex, but actually, the way online classes function is pretty simple. You have to submit...
Wondering what it is like to be a student at the U of A? Learn here!
On a typical day during the week, I get up between 7-8AM. I grab a t-shirt and jeans from my closet and rush downstairs to eat breakfast. Since cereal requires the least amount of effort, it’s usually my go-to. I then eat breakfast and make my lunch for the day, which...
Graduating international student ambassador’s advice for international students interested in studying in the USA!
Thinking about studying in the U.S. may seem difficult and impossible to some students, but let me tell you that it is not! Just by being determined that you want to study in the U.S., you have made the most important step. As an international student who is...
U of A Exchange: Universität Regensburg
Selina, our international student ambassador, reflects on her study abroad experiences. I was fortunate enough to be able to spend 6 ½ months in Germany the spring semester of my sophomore year at the University of Arkansas. The first two months while abroad, I...