By Emilija Sarma
2020 is here! Where did 2019 go, anyway? Time flies in Graduate School, I guess! With the new semester up ahead, this is the perfect time to reflect on how you’re doing and what changes you can make to start this new year right.
Get some inspiration on how to make 2020 your year from our Graduate and International Student Ambassadors below!
Do Not Invest Your Energy in Anxiety
Easier said than done—I know! But this is something I’ve been trying to practice very diligently recently, and I hope I’ll get better at it in time.
If you find yourself stressing out about the future, like assignments due, exams, job applications (and an endless list of other things), try to get yourself to focus on the present. Bring yourself back and think about where you are right now. Focus on your immediate surroundings: be mindful of the people around you, the sights and sounds.
Ask yourself, “Is my anxiety over this problem productive? Are there any steps that I can take right now to solve this problem?” If the answer is yes, then get to it. However small the task may be—act on it!
However, if there is nothing to be done right this second, you need to move on. Focus your attention on a different task: go do the dishes, reach out to friends, or just drink some water. Being engaged in a different activity will help you stay grounded in the present.
Learning to reason with yourself and letting go of anxiety about the future you cannot change is one of the best things you can do for yourself! I find myself doing this several times a day and it does get easier with time.
Take a Break from Social Media
You will not be seeing any updates from Vinci on social media for a while! Graduate Assistant Vinci has decided that 2020 will be the year she takes a social media hiatus. Her New Year’s resolution is to stay away from social media for six months. I am with you in spirit, Vinci!
For many of us who are constantly glued to our smartphones, this may seem like an impossible undertaking. However, taking time off social media can have an enormous positive impact on your mental well-being, your academic achievements, and your relationships.
Try it out—you may be surprised with how much of life you might be missing while you’re trying to staying on top of social media.
Keep Up with the People who Matter to You
Quincy is planning to put more effort in staying in touch with friends and family in 2020. We can often get lost in our hectic lives as students and it’s hard to find the energy to devote attention to other people. But relationships need to be nurtured, so carve out some time to check in with friends and loved ones on a regular basis.
Quincy plans to schedule a time once a week to call or text the people in his life that lift him up. Be deliberate and intentional with your plans to connect with others—it’s going to be well worth the effort!
Alexa is also planning on focusing more on the people close to her: she aims to “finally make every birthday post!” She says that “I was so bad at wishing people a happy birthday and making cute posts for them, so this year I’m going to try to get them all!” Letting our friends know how much we care about them is something we can all try to improve on in 2020.
Be Better at Time Management
Yinka wants to use her time wisely in 2020. She plans to “allocate time to every activity and write more.” Yinka believes that starting to write her ideas down as soon as possible is the key to getting more things done. However, she also wants to make more time for relaxation, as she says: “Life is short… I want to be happy. Treat myself better.” Wise words to live by in 2020!
Let’s all make a promise to treat ourselves better this year, spend more time with people we care about, and let them know every once in a while! Let’s kick anxiety to the curb and invest more time in being present. I have a feeling that these New Year’s resolutions are going to stick!