

My name is Temitayo Adesina, I am currently a graduate student at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. My major is in Operations Management, I have been here at the University for over a year and it has been one of the best experiences of my life. The U of A has added value to me in a lot of ways: the smiling culture is one, I believed people would only smile when there was something amusing but that idea changed when I got here. Everyone was always smiling and it made me feel at home.

The U of A has a lot of resources for its students and community, I have benefited from the “IFriend” program. I was matched with one of the best families (The Matthews). I was called “son”, every opportunity I had they wanted me to be with them so as to share my culture and beliefs, and they never discriminated. Academically, I have learned a lot at the U of A, the classes are conducive for learning, the instructors are supportive and patient considering the accent barrier, and being in class I understood a lot about American culture.

I feel like I will miss this college so much, I know I am yet to explore all that the U of A has to offer but I will take my share and enjoy it jealously. Thank you U of A!