Coming to the University of Arkansas is the beginning of a new life, a life that will remain part of you even after you graduate. I remember when I received my admission letter it was a moment of great happiness because the first step in beginning my long-time goal was accomplished. When I arrived to the University of Arkansas I was amazed to see the campus because it is like a city inside a city. However, there are many things to take into account when arriving to the U of A.


The first days at the university are very busy, starting with checking into your dorm. This may seem to be complicated, but it is not. I recommend to print your room and dining contract prior to arrival to campus that way it is faster to get your keys and start your accommodation process. Bring with you bed sheets and a blanket. However, you can purchase them in Fayetteville. I recommend you visit Walmart on campus the day you arrive because you can purchase important things. Finally, the International Students and Scholars service offers free rides to Walmart so you can buy other things.

Orientation is a very important part of coming to the U of A because there are rules and guidelines that every student must comply to in order to have the best experience. I remember paying a lot of attention and still today I remember the key aspects of orientation. Also, keep in mind that you are not the only one going through all this process, there are other amazing international students doing this so orientation is a great way you can make new friends. I made a lot of friends while doing orientation and it is super fun, too.

Registering for classes is a step that you will have to do always prior to the beginning of a new semester, so learn it well. When I first registered, it was a very different process than the usual one. I am part of special program which had assistance enrolling the first classes. However, the usual process is to make an appointment with the enrolling office of the department you chose your major. They will guide you and give you advising. Advising is what you do prior to enrolling. It is done every semester and it varies depending on the department you are, so be aware of this process, as this is crucial in order to get enrolled in your classes on time.

In all, you have to feel confident of where you are going and keep in mind that during the first days you will have to be very concentrated on following the process to get started, it is very important to complete this before beginning. Once you start things become much more fun and there is plenty of time to do many activities. I am very happy with my first experience here at the U of A, but if there are things I wish I would have done more it would be to go out much more and to go to every building on campus before starting classes. One last advice, you have to expect that when you first arrive you will be faced with a new culture and many times much different than your own so remember to be respectful and polite. The U of A community and Fayetteville, in general, is very kind and wonderful. So welcome to the University of Arkansas.

-Luis, Panama
