Fall break is scheduled at a perfect time during the Fall semester. It is a few months after the start of classes and is a little over a month before Thanksgiving break. It comes at a time when students are becoming overwhelmed with projects and coursework. It gives everyone a chance to relax and regenerate, or work ahead. Most midterms are scheduled the week before Fall Break, allowing students to really enjoy the four-day weekend.


Magic Gardens in Philadelphia

My fall break this year has been a bit crazy. I planned a trip to visit a friend in Philadelphia for the long weekend. Then, a few weeks ago, I received an invitation for an interview for a Doctor of Physical Therapy program in North Chicago on the Saturday of fall break. This meant I had to do a bit of rescheduling! I flew to Chicago Friday afternoon, had the interview Saturday morning, and then flew to Philadelphia Saturday night. Now I am enjoying the break spending time with friends, exploring the city, and eating good food!


Traditional Korean Dishes

Students choose to do a variety of things over the long weekend. I have friends that are taking a road trip to New Orleans, working, completing research grant applications, or going on a hiking trip in the Northwest Arkansas area. Many students also take the long weekend as an opportunity to travel home and spend time with family.

How I spend my fall break has changed from year to year, but one thing has been consistent: it is a long weekend that is always welcome during a busy semester!
