Oct 24, 2019 | Extracurricular Activities, Health and Wellness, International Student Ambassador, Student Life
By Jade Romain Packing your bags, emotional goodbyes, and the exciting feeling of starting a new adventure farrrrrrrrr away from home. Sounds great, right?! It actually is at first…. until reality sets in. You miss your family, the culture is so different, and the...
Oct 8, 2019 | Extracurricular Activities, Graduate Student Ambassador, Health and Wellness, Student Life, Useful For Graduate Students
By Christina Barnes P R O C R A S T I N A T I O N: The not-so-sneaky enemy of grad students everywhere! Eventually, though, we’ve all got to get things done and there are a couple of things we as grad students can do to kick the oh-so-appealing procrastination to the...
Apr 9, 2019 | Extracurricular Activities, Health and Wellness
Sydney Gower Reading something that you find entertaining may be one of the best ways to give your brain some rest while also engaging it in new ways. Even better, reading can positively impact your speaking skills, writing skills, and critical thinking ability. No...
Mar 25, 2019 | Health and Wellness
Whether you love or hate it, exercise is a crucial component to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This is even more important in college, whether you are in graduate school or are an undergraduate. Classes, studying, and more use your time and energy, which often makes...
Feb 22, 2016 | Health and Wellness
As college students we are required to deal with countless stressors every day. Exercising and eating a balanced diet can help you stay healthy and reduce your stress-levels. Exercising and physical activity causes your body to increase its production of...