Jul 19, 2021 | Graduate Student Ambassador, Student Life
“…my undergraduate mentor actually pointed me in the direction of Arkansas. I hadn’t really considered it seriously. Didn’t know much about the school. Don’t know anybody that lives in the state, but I was looking online and I thought the program seemed like a really good match. My advisor seemed like a really good match. And then by the time I came to interview here, I really loved Fayetteville.”
Jun 21, 2021 | Graduate Student Ambassador, Student Life
Check out episode three of our Student Interview Series! In this video, Graduate Student Ambassador Katherine Dzurilla discusses the difference between undergraduate and graduate school, as well as how the University of Arkansas helped her expand into new experiences.
May 25, 2021 | Graduate Student Ambassador, Uncategorized, Useful For Graduate Students
…by recognizing the impact that racism had and continues to have on our science, current and future scientists can avoid falling into cycles that produce findings that center whiteness as the absolute truth and harm communities of color. As scientists and researchers, we can be a part of the change for better outcomes in science and underrepresented communities.
May 7, 2021 | Graduate Student Ambassador, International Student Ambassador, Uncategorized
In this first episode of our Student Interview Series, hear from Diego Montano, an international graduate student from Bolivia. Diego shares his experiences in choosing the U of A, memories from his first days upon arriving, and advice on working during college in the United States.
Mar 16, 2021 | Graduate Student Ambassador, International Student Ambassador, Uncategorized, Useful For Graduate Students
…Far too often, grad students tell themselves that their work isn’t good enough to be considered for this or that award, but the reality is that most of the time you are the only one holding yourself up to an impossible standard. Give yourself permission to try and you’ll likely be surprised of the outcome!
Feb 12, 2021 | Finding Your Major, Graduate Student Ambassador, International Student Ambassador, Student Life, Uncategorized
I decided to pursue a dream that I had since I was a kid, and that was to study abroad. I knew I wanted to grow as a person, I wanted to learn more about other cultures, I wanted to get the best possible education. Most importantly—I wanted a better future.