Since you spend a lot of your time studying as a college student, it is important to find a place that works with your study habits. I personally am more of a quite space studier. My favorite place on campus to study is in the honors college lounge located in Gearhart Hall (formerly known as Ozark Hall). It is a spacious room with tables and chairs, as well as comfortable chairs and couches. It is a quiet oasis that is comfortable and welcoming. The couches are also perfect for a quick nap in-between classes!

Source: Honors College
In addition to studying in the student lounge, I do a lot of my studying at my apartment. We have a high counter that allows me to stand and do my homework or study. I welcome this after a long day of sitting in class. Sometimes you just can’t sit anymore!
If I am meeting with a classmate to study for an exam or go over materials for class, we usually meet at a coffee shop. I like to meet at Arsaga’s—The Depot on Dickson St. Arsaga’s has an area in the back if you turn left when you enter the coffee shop that has a larger table that gives you room to spread out your things. They have WiFi and great coffee—perfect for studying!

Source: Arsaga’s – The Depot