On a typical day during the week, I get up between 7-8AM. I grab a t-shirt and jeans from my closet and rush downstairs to eat breakfast. Since cereal requires the least amount of effort, it’s usually my go-to. I then eat breakfast and make my lunch for the day, which is usually a turkey sandwich, an apple, and whatever else I can find at the moment. Then it’s either off to the university or to a physical therapy clinic where I observe for a few hours before class. I try to time when I go out the door with the bus schedule, so I don’t have to wait too long at the bus stop.
I dislike carrying my laptop around with me all day because it can get pretty heavy, so I usually take notes the old-fashioned way with notebook and pen. This also keeps me from getting distracted. Most of my classes, excluding labs, are lecture based courses. The professors often ask questions throughout the lecture to keep students engaged and to challenge us.
I have the occasional paper or presentation, but my grades come primarily from exams. Having finished the first round of exams, I am currently working on a paper for my History of Sub-Saharan Africa course about the diamond trade and its impact. I am a Biology and German major, and a part of the requirements for my German major, is to take courses with a global perspective. Not having much knowledge about Africa, outside of what you learn in your general history class, I have found the class very fascinating. Aside from the paper, I am currently working on physics homework that we are assigned on a weekly basis and am beginning to study for an exam I have next week.
Because of how my classes are scheduled this semester, I typically head to the gym after class and then usually go home to eat dinner. I like going to the fitness center at the Arkansas Union because it is right by the bus station. Working out helps me relax and loosen-up after a day of mostly sitting.
I had an off-campus meal plan last semester, but this semester I opted not to have one. On Sundays I usually cook a big meal like chili or curry, and then eat the leftovers during the week so I don’t have to cook when I get home.
After dinner I usually talk with my roommates for a bit, Skype my boyfriend who goes to school in Philadelphia, and work on homework before bed. I like to get my sleep, so I usually try go to bed between 10:30-11PM.
That’s a day in the life of a UofA student!
-Selina, Junior