Selina, our international student ambassador, reflects on her study abroad experiences.
I was fortunate enough to be able to spend 6 ½ months in Germany the spring semester of my sophomore year at the University of Arkansas. The first two months while abroad, I completed an internship at a school for children with multiple disabilities. This was an incredible opportunity since I plan on pursuing a career in physical therapy. The remainder of my time, I studied at the University of Regensburg in Regensburg, Germany.
Since I was born in Germany and traveled there in the summers to visit family while growing up, I did not encounter homesickness or culture shock. One challenge I did come across during my internship, was understanding the different local dialects. Germany has numerous dialects that are spoken depending on the region you are in, and within those regions there are differences between each city and village. Although I am a native German speaker, I could hardly understand a word what one of the staff members was saying on the first day of my internship. By the end of the two-month time period I had adjusted, just in time to go to Regensburg, Germany where a completely different dialect is spoken.

Regensburg, Germany
Taking courses with native German students, engaging in educational discussions and debates about culture and politics, and getting to experience the everday life of a student, as well as an employee, enabled me to completely immerse myself into the German culture. I was fortunate enough to be able to travel to other countries within Europe during my stay. It is fascinating that you can drive a few hours and find yourself in a completely different country, along with a different language and culture.
While studying in Regensburg, I also had the opportunity to meet students from around the world. The international student network in Regensburg organized countless different events. One of the events that they hosted every month, was a “Country Evening” where a group of international students would present about the culture and customs of their home country. I came home with a better understanding of Germany, as well as the customs and cultures of many countries around the world. It was an incredible experience in every aspect.