As you are probably well aware, freshman students at the University of Arkansas are required to live on campus their first year. Not being from Arkansas, there were only a handful of students from my high school who attended the U of A. Since I was not going to live with someone I knew and didn’t not want to go through the process of trying to find a compatible roommate, I decided to be risky and just see who I ended up with. It was one of the best decision that I ever made, because my random roommate became my best friend and we are still living together three years later.

Founders Hall opened for the 2013-2014 Academic Year (University Housing)
Besides having similar personalities and interests, the reason it worked out so well is that we both respect one another. This is very important if you are going to be sharing a small bedroom. It can be pretty close quarters and it can be quite easy to get on each other’s nerves. Being respectful of when the other person is still sleeping or is studying, is one of the biggest things. No one likes getting their sleep interrupted. Try to keep your side clean and alternate who sweeps the floor etc. If you do have a problem, make sure to address it quickly so it does not turn into something bigger.
Your Resident Assistant (RA) is also there to help you work out issues, but try to talk it out first.

Resident Assistants at the U of A (University Housing)
I was really lucky to have a friendly and outgoing RA. There were two RA’s on my floor and they would organize events for the entire floor like a trip to the farmer’s market, going to Dickson Street during Bikes, Blues and BBQ, having a movie night, and other activities. This helped us get to know one another so that when we saw a girl that lived across the hall in the bathroom, we weren’t awkwardly silent.
I really enjoyed living on campus because it did not take long to get to class in the mornings and you didn’t have to worry about what the bus schedule. You could also go back to your dorm room if you had a long break in-between classes to drop off textbooks or take a nap.
Although living on campus was extremely convenient, I am now living off campus in an apartment and am thankful to have my own room. My roommate and I got along great, but there is something luxurious about having a room to yourself. I also enjoy living off campus because I can now cook for myself. Cooking is something I enjoy doing, and I missed it while living on campus. Sometimes I do yearn for the convenience of walking to the dining hall when I don’t want to cook and clean up afterwards, but that is what an Off-Campus Meal Plan is for!

(Photo from HerCampus)