It is not easy to leave home to go to school in another country. However, the experience can be as fascinating as being at home, and you can feel a great happiness to be a part of a new community. Coming to the University of Arkansas can be a challenge for international students, and the university know this, which is why there are plenty of student organizations that can assist new international students into getting involved and fitting in to their new home.

As a Panamanian, I feel it has not been difficult to fit in at the UofA. This is due in great part to the diversity that the university provides, and all the effort the university staff in collaboration with the students put in to making everybody feel welcome at the UofA. Some of the organizations I am a member of and I have participated in are:

  • ICT: International Culture Team
  • ISO: International Student Organization
  • PSO: Panamanian Student Organization
  • SHPE: Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers

The Panamanian student organization emphasizes promoting the country’s culture through performances, cultural activities, and presentations. It is very diverse and everybody can participate even if you are not from Panama. The PSO has a performing dance group called “Viva Panama”, a soccer team, and also participates with interactive tables at different university and Fayetteville events. The PSO also has a Facebook groupPanamanian Student Organization.” I have participated by presenting at the table and volunteering at the big events the organization has hosted. There are plenty of other organizations that promote events in which international students can fit in.


PSO members promote the Panamanian Culture to children from Westwood Elementary School.

The Panamanian community on campus and the international student community do a great job of promoting cultures. However, to provide a dynamic student inclusion it would be good to promote activities that can bring together students and people from the Fayetteville community to participate in events that combine the culture of the country with the interest of the campus community. This can increase the participation of domestic students and international students in general. Every semester there are language courses that are taught at the university. I think as an initiative international organizations can pair up and create speaking clubs that would allow people from the campus community to learn and interact with activities that they will find of good use, and for international students to make friends and expand their friendship network.


Members from Panama of the new student organization, ‘Agro-Panama International.’

-Luis, Panama