My name is Harry Yige Wang. I will be your International Student Ambassador, and will be sharing my experience of academic life and introducing you to the various functions and organizations on campus.
I am currently pursuing my bachelor’s degree, double majoring in Accounting and Information Systems. My hometown is WuYuan, JiangXi, well known as “The Most Beautiful Village Of China.” It is located in southeast China, which is famous for producing green tea and well known for a lifestyle called ‘Bridge River Home.’
I selected the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville because of its reputation and comparatively inexpensive tuition. Not only is the U of A the flagship university in Arkansas, but is also a remarkable star school in the South. It has strong research capabilities and a well organized school system from college to college.
Walton Business College is my academic home. One of the things I like about Walton is that the professors here have very strong academic teaching and research backgrounds. They are very organized and systematic in their delivery of instruction, and it’s very convenient to access the information you need. The professors here are also always ready to answer the questions you face in studying. I also proactively involve myself in academic organizations, and am serving as a student officer in Beta Alpha Psi, which is the only official Accounting Club in Walton Business College. I help build communication between professionals from industries and our member students. Students like it because it helps them learn professionalism and network with potential employers.
Fayetteville is also a great place to live. I was particularly glad to hear that it was just ranked as the third best place to live in the entire nation in 2016 from U.S. New & World Report. “Nestled in the Ozark Mountains, Fayetteville attracts outdoorsy types with its abundance of state parks, acres of community green space, playgrounds, parks and walking trails,” the report says. “The city also boasts a first-class performing arts center, an active local food movement, live music venues and a dynamic festival scene.” There are a lot of great restaurants here as well. One of my favorites is called China-Café on Sunset Avenue in Springdale. They offer authentic Chinese food, which helps at times to heal my homesickness! When it comes to transportation, the bus system at the U of A is worth mentioning: it reaches most off-campus areas within several miles, and is a good option for us to reach school.
There are a lot of great things at the U of A that I cannot elaborate on within one blog, but I am excited to share with you my story and experience at the U of A in future days.
-Harry, ’17